Barnagheehy ....

.... the windy gap.
A damp, dull and mizzly morning gave way to a bright and breezy afternoon and we headed out to the hills. I wanted to retrace a part of the walk that I had been a bit vague in writing up about. We parked the car in a tiny road, primroses and wood anemones at the side of the path and went off up into moorland; full of coarse blond reeds, wild blueberries and a lot of sheep and their noisy lambs. Up high where it was blowing a hoolie and in the distance we could see Jeremy Irons' castle and layers of wind turbines; down through very squelchy bog and felled forestry looking a bit desolate; passed a slate grey lough and finally along the tiny road again. We saw a herd of large longhorned cattle sitting nonchalantly together and admired the high rise antics of the larks. Violets,primroses, lousewort (much prettier than it sounds) and celandine everywhere. We treated ourselves to 99s on the way home.
Here we are up high - blond grass, green forestry, slatey lough, and distant blues of Bantry Bay and the Beara. Not bad at all!
Off to the cinema to see Calvary next. It's all go.

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