Not all negative

The photo above, coupled with a few recent ones represents a trough in the curve of photographic creativity. I like these phases. They aid in creating a "paradigm shift" otherwise we might blindly think ourselves into a corner!

Pachelbel's Canon in D is the song of the day. I love the way the bass flows through like an undercurrent, breathing the framework the music dances upon. What begins as a couple of simple lines gradually keeps getting refined and more complex as it draws towards the end. I like this kind of music which grows upon you. Initially you do not realize what it might be worth but the more you listen to it, you are drawn it even more, for it reveals much to you that's new each time. Like any good piece of art, it grows with you.

A lot of contemporary music begins with a flourish, attempting to grab your attention. They do not have the depth to last. All their tricks and "deceptions" are revealed in an instant. Within, they are mostly like a hollow shell, though painted brightly on the surface. They come as quickly as they go.

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