Mother and Child

My Mother's home is a haven for wildlife.
Today in less than an hour I saw this delightful Muntjac with its fawn, rabbits, mice and rats (as recorded the day before yesterday.)
There were butterflies a plenty - orange tip, brimstone, small tortoiseshell and peacock
Birds recorded included: Buzzard, red kite, sparrowhawk, jackdaw, rook, crow, blue tit, great tit, robin, dunnock, chaffinch, gold finch, green finch, blackbird, starling - nesting in the eaves of the house. Wren, pigeon, collar dove and -

The first swallow of the summer visited the stable block today! Such a welcome sight - and a good week earlier than usual.

Mum is making good progress - at last - and is now walking unaided - having rejected - or more accurately ejected - her walking stick. We are hopeful that she will be home within the next two weeks. I'm making the most of the time she is still in the rehab unit, because things will be more challenging when she does get back home!!!!!!!!

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