I've got an owie!

Munch woke at 6am and was fully charged and rearing to go, that was until she got a paper cut then disaster struck.
Eventually I put a plaster on it to try and stop her looking at her finger and crying, but also to cushion it a little.

Went swimming! Welllll if you call jumping in repeatedly for forty minutes swimming, popped to morrisons for essentials (new cardigans for Charlotte areessentials in my opinion) home

Charlotte was fast asleep in the car and then proceeded to sleep on her bed for another 2 hours!

A win on the premium bonds for Charlotte!

Grandma arrived, popped to sainsburys for a mooch at their clothes. Disappointed today. Nothing that lept out at me, managed to pick up wrong sized trousers. Grrrr.

I was told to leave daddy and charlotte to do milk, by Charlotte! Chilled downstairs.
Yummy tea

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