
By FloydOnFilm

These Boots Are Made For ............

............ recycling.

I am always reluctant to throw anything away ............ just in case. The garage and the loft are full of all sorts of bits and pieces that may be of use one day. Mrs F hates it. She hates it even more when I actually find a use for some of my treasure and she is heartbroken when she has to reluctantly agree that the idea works because she knows that I will continue to add to the collection.

My first pair of Dr Marten boots lasted for years on my feet and have continued to earn their keep for many more years as planters! They haven't been out of the shed for the 3 years since we moved but I was reminded of their existence by a blip from gilesey. She had bought a book in Oxford's covered market many years ago and that reminded me that my old friends originated from the same place. I hate to admit that it was over 35 years ago!!

Mrs F is delighted they are back in circulation!!

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