Flower Day

No1 son and I went to one of his favourite woods to see how the bluebells were coming along..

The Spanish ones are (as usual) coming through faster than the English ones but they are still a week or two of carpeting the place.

I thought I would do some blurred tree shots to try and make it look like there were more bluebells than there were.
It didn't work - but I like the shots anyway.

The sun coming through the young leaves didn;t happen very often - but when it did it was really nice.

Most of the daffs were facing the wrong way (towards the busy road) but when I saw this one facing me, I just had to shoot it and do something different with it..

It is our last day down south - we have to get back for quiz night tomorrow, but No1 son and the Little Ray Of Sunshine are coming up to us in a couple of days to catch up with family for the last time before the baby is born.

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