Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Nope I Am Not Looking At You

This spaniel is the naughtiest little spaniel in the whole wide world.

Today's walk consisted of a lovely start, then a little swim (the spaniel, not us I mean rats pee in that water), some coots that just had be to chased and a happily yipping little spaniel who came when called.

But then came more swimming and general ignoring Mummy and Daddy (and the whistle) getting out on the other side of the canal, getting caught up in reeds on the other side of the canal (thought I was going to have to go in after all), finally getting free and swimming half heartedly back to the correct bank and turning tail while still in the water to generally do some more swimming all the while we were calling for him (and of course those are the moments that people come along - he is well trained honest).

Then begrudgingly said spaniel crawls out of the water with half a bramble stuck to his tail.

Onto the lead he went.

Spaniel tries to drag Daddy into the canal because well there was more swimming to be done and he wont let a silly little thing like being on the lead stop him.

Then spaniel pretends to be good so off the lead he goes and then waits for Mummy and Daddy to be distracted by horses (well Daddy because I'm not so keen on horses they eat people) and he was off and exploring the stinky disused canal and yep right across to the other side and up onto the opposite bank.

Stand call and blow whistle (its a special whistle pitched for gun dogs so he has no excuse really) at suddenly deaf spaniel.

Spaniel back on the lead, on which he remained until we got home.

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