Beautiful flowers in the darkness

Finnish practice:

Aina kun me koemme pimeina ja vaikeina aikoina, on hyvä ajattella että se ei ole aina näin, että on toivoa, että on valo jonnekin, että asiat voivat tulla parempi... samalla tavalla kuin pimeää talvetta jälkeen meillä olemme kauniita keväättä.

(What I want to say: Whenever we go through dark and difficult times, it's good to think that it won't be always like this, that there is hope, that there is light somewhere, that things can get better... in the same way as after a dark winter we have a beautiful spring.)

This image inspired me to write this.

We had a busy day at work and it felt long. I was happy when I finally went back home. Only one more day to go and I'll be off at the weekend! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good day!

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