Island Ceilidh

This evening we took the boat to Rousay for a bit of a dance! It is part of a week of ceilidhs and dancing throughout Orkney and is always a grand night out. The ferry was full and there even though it was chucking it down with rain the half hour crossing was very calm.

Mini buses plied back and forth taking us up to the school hall where mince and clapshot and beans were waiting for us, then the dancing began. Quite tricky trying to dance on a very full floor, but it was a great atmosphere and everyone enjoyed themselves. Very different from dancing in our little group of 8 to 12 folk in the local hall, I made a real hash of one set dance, but no one was overly upset! The band were terrific, even after playing all evening some of them got their fiddles out and played for the whole of the journey back to Tingwall too!

Well after midnight when we got home, Ollie's little face was pressed against the sitting room window, looking out for us!

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