
By intothehills

Up close

Blipping is starting to make me think I should carry at least a small pocket camera around with me more often. When I look back a large number of my shots are taken with the phone - simply because its always with me. To be fair it does a good job, but the lack of a zoom or any real features does limit sometimes.

I did take some really technical pics today - but those were discarded for another phone shot - precisely because of those aforementioned limitations. Walking back up the garden today I saw our little red friend. I slowed my steps, had a quick scan to check there was no slinking white husky ready to ambush the moment, and approached the squirrel feeder quietly and slowly. Step by step, always being avidly stared at, I got a bit closer, until I was prbably about six feet away. At this point the swish of the tail looked a little alarmed, so I stood still, reached for the phone & snapped a few pics.
We see the squirrel most days and I've had much better shots  , January Squirrel but they've been from a distance with a better camera, this is by far the closest the little chap has ever let me get.

I started keeping this journal to record these moments - I hope my photography will get better along the way, but its the moments that matter.

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