All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Frosty Grass

Brrrr - another cold day today.
I was, however, looking forward to today as we were due to go to a party at my neighbours house in the evening. It would be the first "social gathering" I've been allowed to go to for about 3 months now!

I should have known better!

Just as I came upstairs to start to get ready, I had another bad bleed. This was competely out the blue since it has been 12 weeks since the last one. So hubbie phoned the hospital who told us to go along to the labour ward. They were great and did tons of checks and another scan and hooked me up to a drip. Not sure why I've bled again but baby kicking around quite happily in there. Got told though if I had another bad bleed that night they might have to deliver baby there and then so I would have to spend the night in the labour ward - eeeeek!

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