
By LadyFindhorn

Wintry Sunday

Today was the designated Christmas tree buying day. We chose a small one in a pot so that we don't have a carpet full of fallen needles and which we can plant in the castle grounds later. It is a little lopsided, but we love it the better for its idiosyncrasies and besides , with a little judicious propping up of the pot with a stone or two, it becomes almost straight.

We have yet to unearth the decorations which we haven't used for 3 years, because of our Oman Christmases, and instead decided to make the most of a beautiful fog free morning to walk up and round Blackford HIll. It was an extremely cold walk, but the views afforded of the city from the top with the fog trying to roll in from the Forth and the Fife hills clear behind ,was worth the cold ears and blue noses.
I hope today's blip gives the impression of the frosty air despite the sunshine.

Back home it was time for some hot soup and a reading of the Sunday papers.
Our little Christmas tree stands in its corner unlit and bare and appearing to grudge us our relaxation while waiting for its finery and guardian fairy.
I refuse to feel guilty!

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