
By Brotographer

Shane dug a hole and sat in it, what else is new?

(Another super late upload due to film developing. Luckily, I'd already written down the description)

Man, we’re all exhausted... Not quite sure how, but we managed to get to Sitges! I was adamant on bringing everyone to Sitges for a proper beach experience, rather than the dirty, overcrowded and touristy beaches of the Barceloneta. It paid off, even though the beach was still quite busy!
This was also Part 2 in our Photosoc do some gay tourism on tour saga, seeing as Sitges is proclaimed the gay capital of Europe.

Most of the lazy people arrived throughout the day, to join our group of mainly pale british people trying to tan. Shout out to Alex and Erin who both managed to burn and get sunstroke. Meanwhile, the rest of us built a fort (or started to), shot a music video on the rocks, swam a couple times out to the buoys and buried Shane in his massive hole. I also fell asleep at least three times on the rocks, where I think I spent most of the day, since I didn’t bring a towel! Some of us also spotted the local family of kittens who live beneath. What else? Not much really. Chorizo and cheese sandwiches. Ice cream cones and magnum sandwiches. The good stuff really.

Where was dinner? At the Glories shopping centre, where we gave everybody the choice to do what they wanted. A bunch of us dudes ended up at Udon, one of my favorite places to eat, they do brilliant noodles. Also, the water tasted like ecstasy, I think it had something to do with the packaging. Finally, Andy broke his chair, definitely a highlight of the night somehow.
I’m gonna miss you Barcelona.


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