best in show

What a treat.
I accompanied the local Agricultural Society President Guiliana and shwo judge Leila on their very tricky journey through the cookery section of exhibits for this year's Kalamunda Show.

Lots of cutting slices and tasting tin morsels to determine 'taste, texture, looks and presentation' and an occasional 'how pedantic to we want to be' if the 'adherence to category description' was a bit wayward.

This is L scrutinising 'cake, fruit, decorated' and she would know as a long time teacher of cooking and cake decorating at TAFE (tech college).
The children's section is wonderful.
Bright,colorful, very masterful and the scones apparently outshone the adults.
Cupcakes a hoot with cheeky meatball, corn cob, peas and veggie kebabs toppings and the 'decorated milk arrowroot bikkies' as requested by 'Connections'!

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