electric glass

By electricglass

Into the Twilight Zone?

So today I made my first trip into a Utah State Operated Liquor Store. It was weird. I've been in State run stores in Oregon. But this one was very different.

First off, the few running are completely out of the way.

Walking in I started looking for Beerl Coolers. There were non. Heaven forbid you want to drink the beer in the next 24 hours.

Then all the beer is priced for individual sale. I've never seen a place that condones this due to panhandlers coming in and buying singles with their change.

So I was able to buy a mix pac 6 pack which was cool. But it was $2 more than any one of the beers would cost in a single variety 6 pack.

They did have a quick chill bath that would cool the beverage down in a few minutes. But it was weird "bathing" the beers for a few minutes before leaving so I could actually have a cold one.


So this was my first attempt at light painting. Next time I'll try pointing the light a little more upward and from under the camera so I paint less of the ground.

I had two decently painted photos but had to come in quickly from the cold. So went with the two. I liked the motion in the plants in one. But the beer was over exposed in it. Dodge work wouldn't fix it. So I cut the beer out of the other photo and pasted it in. I think it's blended in pretty well except for maybe around the bottom where it is in the snow.

Then just a little bit of contrast, cropping, and cloning out some city lights that were in the background.


Thanks for checking out my blip!

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