Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Everything is Awesome!!

Or not...we finally got round to seeing the Lego movie and none of us thought it was very good. That's £30 I'll never get back.

When we got home it was still lovely and sunny so Poppy asked me to make a treasure hunt for her and Alfie. I duly wrote out 11 (rhyming) clues, ran around the garden planting the slips of paper for them to find and left the grand prize (2 chocolate biscuits) in the summer house. By clue 2 they were squabbling about who got to read the clues out, they thought the clue which was actually hidden on the trampoline should have been up the treehouse and they were expecting a Playstation as a prize NOT a chocolate biscuit.
Must try harder tomorrow.

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