Just when I thought it would be a slow blip day.

It seems the man who came to pick up the redundant recycling bins was told they just collapsed, like cardboard wine carriers I suppose, so he came alone to lift them onto his wagon. Unfortunately the council had not sealed up the plastic recycling bins and worthy Skiptonians were still recycling. So when the bin was lifted off a mound of plastic was revealed. It was a rather windy day which did not help the state of affairs.

But the poor man's grief did not end there. The bin did not collapse. It couldn't as it was bolted together. He spent several hours trying to crush it so it would fit onto his wagon. Meanwhile the photographer from the local paper turned up, as did several people who had brought their plastic to recycle and just added it to the billowing heap. Eventually the council sent some staff out to clear up the mess.

Meanwhile the man continued to try to crush the bin. We sent someone out to offer him a cup of tea and he regaled her with his troubles. Then she went round to the construction site just round the corner and told the workmen of his plight. A gang of them set off with their tools and helped him reduce the metal mass to a manageable size. What kind people there are around.

Eventally the crushed bin was in the back of the wagon. The man repositioned his vehicle and we thought he was going to start on the second green bin. But no. He chained it up, lifted it, and put it back where it had come from. I think he'd had enough.

I don't think the local council are going to come out of this well in tomorrow's paper.

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