
By Wendywoo2

What came first...

Today has certainly been a day of two halves. First off MA dissertation took unlikely turn this morning. I had an email from my Supervisor first off asking if I was enjoying my holiday - as if with deadlines looming. Then went onto tell me I would have to make some changes to my proposal and ethics paperwork. Doesn't sound a lot I hear you cry! Well my rant comes from the fact that my supervisor had had this paperwork since the beginning of March and I spent all my half term doing this paperwork which is an integral part of the MA process to be able to begin the data collection within school. The downside is that it doesn't count towards anything for the actual dissertation. So back in March when he and I both signed off the copies and it was going to the module leader (to rubber stamp or so I thought) imagine my dismay this morning to find I will have to make changes. Now I was angry because I thought my supervisor had read all this paperwork before my meeting - obviously not. So have had to spend the morning making all the necessary changes, whilst my actual dissertation writing has had to wait - and with a deadline looming, Now I am hoping that they agree with my changes otherwise I will be really cross. Luckily I have a meeting with my supervisor in the first week back so I can have my say on the matter. I hate all the red tape and regulations! I know its all there so everyone is kept safe etc and I agree with that but I have followed the good examples they put on line and yet it is still wrong. So frustrating.

So after that I decided to take myself to a little local park - heard a lot about this place but have never been but it was just what I needed today, I sat and had my lunch listening to the birds singing and sitting in the glorious sunshine. The park was my sanctuary all be it for an hour or two but needed to calm down. On the way back I saw these pretty little gravestones from the early 1900's and I was a little intrigued, looking at the life span I thought they were graves for children. Wasn't until I got home and researched a little further they were in fact graves for pets - dogs in fact. I can't believe they had been there all this time and left alone (considering where the park was).

On my return home I remembered the egg I had kept from the chicks hatching so I decided to have a go with some macro shots of the inside of the egg. Some may say this is a little gross but I find it intriguing with all the patterns inside. Plus how on earth did the chick fit in such a small space.

So in my case of blip - what came first the chicken or the egg. In this case, in photography terms it was the chick!!

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