...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Mall Day

OK, has this ever happened to anyone? I am looking for my blip at the mall, I see Santa, I tell my hubby, hold on, I am gonna see if there is a screaming child sitting on Santa's lap (btw sketchysantas.com is a crackup). There was a kid interacting w/ Santa, very sweet, so I shot off two blips and away we went. All of the sudden an angry voice from behind us says, "Why are you taking pictures of my son"? I thought it was a joke. Oh, it was no joke. I said, I was just taking pictures of Christ... and he cut me off "You have NO RIGHT TAKING PICTURES OF MY KID", my husband said "calm down" as I am saying, I am so sorry, I will delete them right now, you can watch me. "The security said that YOU HAVE NO RIGHT...", my husband stopped him again, "Hold on, she is deleting them and meant no harm". He didn't even make sure I actually deleted them...I did of course. My heart was racing and my legs were wobbly. YIKES! I really didn't even think of it...Just the fact Santa was talking with a kid. Some random kid that is probably, in hindsight is posted on a milk carton some where and didn't even belong to them. Geez Louise, Merry Christmas to you, Buddy.

Notice my blip...NO KIDS IN SIGHT!!! I don't think I will make that mistake again.

And it rained again, but I am in a better mood...even after the holiday hassle.

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