
By Delamanda

Hans 'socius' Sloane

Today’s word is “socius” (‘A colleague, an associate; a comrade, a companion’, OED). But that is only one definition, and my preferred one is #3 ‘An individual person regarded as a unit of human society’. And I reckon that Hans Sloane was a very special unit. As well as “inventing” Chelsea (well, Hans Place, Sloane Square, Street and Avenue) he was rather a famous physician, who scoured the world for herbal remedies. Amongst his many finds was a brown powder, which he brought back from Jamaica and sold for medicinal purposes. The Cadbury brothers soon latched on to this and – as they say – the rest is history. #BleedingLondon, DukeofYorkSquare, #SW3
Day #98 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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