0804 to Leeds


“Can I ask what you’re reading?”
“It’s called ‘Kafka on the Shore’, it’s by a Japanese writer who I’ve got into recently. I’ve read some of his short stories and this is one of his larger novels”
“What’s your verdict?”
“Um…it’s gone all over the place, and I don’t think it’s going to end up in a good place”
“Are you one of those people that reads the end, first?”
“No, no. I tell you what I do do though. I usually flick through to see how many pages there are, so I know roughly how long it’s going to take me to read!”
“Nothing wrong with that I guess. How did you get into the Author (Haruki Murakami)?”
"I went to a creative writing group in Bristol, part of the centenary celebration of the first library being opened in the city. It was a women’s circle and we all talked about our favourite authors, and one of the women talked about him so I looked him up.
There’s another thing I got to find out about - if a book holds no sentimental value for me, I like to leave it where I am. Usually I finish them at home so it doesn’t really work!"

Humans of Leeds

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