With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Surely this is a Christmas Blip essential - Cat up tree. The tree is a mess because everything is pulled down in seconds.

I thought his eyes looked amazing here, so there you go.

We had a very lazy afternoon after the usual football morning - well usual in that it ended in defeat, but they were so close and played really well. Hit the post twice, but got one in. It's such a confidence thing, this winning mularky. Ben played superbly, couldn't have done anything about either goal against (winning one in last minute from a free kick) and did such a superb save at one point, sprawled across the floor and got a boot in the face for the bargain. He took it like a trooper and it was great to see his team mates look after him. No lasting damage.

Oh, 'cat - ching' is the noise we hear as another decoration is knocked off the tree ;)

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