Cleared for Takeoff

I pulled into a state-owned boat landing to see how the ice was disappearing. I'm anxious to get my kayak in the water.

It's going to be a while longer. I'd say the lake is still 60-70% covered with ice. The dock is just offshore, but it is nowhere close to being ready to go in.

But...even with the ice...this swan and a merganser couple were in the area. Until...until I hopped out of my van, and approached with my camera. Then...all 3 birds took to the air...leaving me without any models.

With all the brown on his/her body, I'm guessing that this is last years baby, and he/she is looking for love. He/she swants a mate. He/she swants a companion. He/she swants someone to hang out with. If it's a male...I'm going with Frank. If it's a girl...add an ie...Frankie.

My van is fixed, and it is 58F (14C) and sunny. Almost...I SAID ALMOST...feels like Spring is in the air.

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