A Windy Day

Over Fenland fields,
Statuesque and standing proud,
Windmills are at play.

Took the pretty way to work today and, despite the roads being more twisty-turny, I didn't feel the nausea I usually feel on the A14 and A11; it's inspired me to attempt the advised increase of medication dose tonight!

I don't have an early start so it's the ideal evening to do it...geocaching *was* on the agenda with Stella for the morning but instead I have to go and collect a new pc for work...mine almost ground to a complete standstill today...most unproductive and uncooperative approaching the end of our financial year and the start of the new tax year!

I was going to the "office" at lunchtime anyway as the small people in the family are visiting and there's talk of fish & chips!

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