Childhood heroes

Day two of the Abi kids motto woche and we bumped into Harry Potter and Luigi enroute to school, according to Little miss bossy, Mickey & Minnie were there as well as Batman.

I texted the teen during the afternoon to find out when he'd be home only to get the response, "gone for beers with the old sanis*". Beers in the middle of the afternoon and the middle of the week, the youth of today, honestly!

The picture shows my car on the way to the tip, full to the gills with polystyrene & bits of garden, fortunately on Saturday we filled Mr K's (bigger) car with all the boxes that used to house the polystyrene & dumped that, otherwise it would have been two trips for me today.

* The teen took his test to become a school sani (first aider) today, because the current crop are this year's school leavers and so after the end of this week will no longer be there to help out the wounded and the sick.

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