This is it...

Feeling rubbish - I think my blood pressure has dropped

and when it starts out at 100/65 that leads to fuzzy head

so quick walk with Kassidy and feet up

Quick History

The Wesleyan Church on the corner of Wesley Road opened for worship on the 11th April, 1882. It was the 3rd Methodist Church built in Coltham Road after the arrival of Methodism around 1826.

The first church opened in 1826, but soon became too small, and so a second church was built next door. The 2nd church remained in use until 1882 when the current church was built.

Why here...well according to our favourite Wikipedia...Methodist preacher John Wesley once stopped nearby after being stoned and forced out of Willenhall, this area being, in those days, considerably more isolated from Willenhall than it is today - but I can't locate a real source.

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