Meanwhile up the Lake

The Bossess had an early start so The Boss had an early start so I had an early start and we started early on MY favourite Blat track. It was ,The Boss said, almost too early as with the daylight being saved and all that there was a distinct lack of light on stuff that would have looked better, lighted.
Executive summary….It was too dark.
I have always been a bit confused about the daylight and the saving of it and my big question is what happens to the stuff that gets saved. Does it go into a big bin labelled “Caution put on dark glasses before opening?” or does it get converted into stuff to charge fruiphones with the special kit available at all hardware stores. Another big question is whether daylight saved on a sunny day is better than daylight saved on a cloudy day and if you can take 2 cloudy days savings and cash them in for 1 sunny one. The Boss says that it is a bit like Bit coins…BUT he didn’t say which bit. Well he wouldn’t…would he?
Meanwhile the light got better by the time we were walking / blatting back so the Blip day was saved and that's the one that matters.

See the light?

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