
.....is a pair of Mr U&L's slippers!!
Freddy has been really naughty today, and managed to knock over a large jug of water, right over all my books, I am not happy!!!
He knows he is in the 'dog house' and is lying on the floor as we speak trying to ignore the slippers.....he would dearly love to chew up if he thought he could get away with it!!!
Please excuse our carpet, he seems to be moulting, 5 x a day hoovering required I think!!!
I was so sad to hear about the death of Peaches Geldoph. My heart and prayers go out to that whole family, they have seen more than enough heartache and tragedy already. I find it so offensive that people should feel the need to be rude and unkind about this, every soul should have some compassion surely??

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