
By SLPlearning

A New Day

Had several interesting conversations today about the transformational power of adult learning in everyday life. From media companies to politicians, business executives to people in the street, it seems we all believe that learning throughout life is an important part of our very make-up. I've heard similar stories all over the place, so given that today's a brand new day, I'm going to start gathering some of the remarkable stories of people who've gone back to education as adults and welcomed their own new beginning.

A New Day
If life seems at its lowest ebb,
Because a day's gone wrong.
Let not your heart be troubled,
For a new day soon will dawn

And we can never be quite sure,
Just what it has in store.
Since each one is so different,
Than the one just gone before

As it penetrates the darkness,
With its soft and tranquil beams.
It calms even the most restless soul,
And brings new hopes and dreams

So when a days been troubled,
And the night is dark and long.
Lift up your fallen spirits,
For a new day soon will dawn

by Anonymous

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