And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

RIP peaches geldof :(

How very sad her poor children :(

Hope your all well guys couple of ruff days here very hormonal and teary, poor Dave and Dan putting up with me.

Felt better today made flapjacks and had a couple of walks.

recipe for anyone who wants a bash.
Real easy
75g marg or butter ( i used butter)
50-75g light brown sugar
1 tbsp golden syrup
175g porridge oats
( i used 3 x amounts cos my tin was big )

Put marg , sugar and golden syrup in pan .Heat on low till dissolved ( turn heat of ) add porridge oats mix well

Put oats into greased tin ( i used marg to grease ) and firm down

Cook for 25 mins on 160 ( fan) oven 180 conventional or gas mark 4

Score whilst warm

love c x x x

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