
By Cr055ie

A new one on me.

Poor old Charlie hasn@
't been up to the beach since last weekend. I was feeling a bit guilty so grabbed my camera and off we went.

Spotted some really pretty yellowhammers and thought I had my blip in the bag, so hotfooted over to the other side of the beach to enjoy my stroll with the dawg!. I saw movement at ground level out of the corner of my eye and saw this little colourful bird that I didn't have a clue about. I knew it was one for my bird freaks challenge, so was quite excited about it. It took me over half n hour when I got home and I had to resort to my old book to do it. Anyway I have discovered it is a Wheatear.

Went out alone in the afternoon and managed to capture a Canadian Goose taking off and a Kestrel in full flight. Still no competition about the Blip photo. The Wheatear wins hands down. I hope you agree.

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