
By ausmossie

Street Seller

A full day today. Nice for a change on a day off. We went out this afternoon with one of Terri's students, Sam and his mum. We played ping ping and badminton. I have a little experience with ping pong but have only played badminton a few times and am crap at most racquet sports. Sam's mum said I have a lot of talent and T is terrible. hahahah Win for me. I know I will REALLY feel it tomorrow and truth be known.. for the rest of the week.

After all the exercise we took them to dinner. On the way, I took this picture of an old lady setting up her street side blanket for selling things. The conversation at dinner turned to houses and so after dinner we went to look at a possible place for us to buy. The building isn't finished but.. the deal here is that you buy it off the plan and in about 2 years time, you can move in.. Hmmmm

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