Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Rain Farm

I am a day behind - it is now Monday morning and we have arrived home but I am loading Sunday's image of Rain Farm, the wedding venue. After breakfast on Sunday we were returning to our accommodation to pack and this beautiful giraffe just happened to walk across our path. Our accommodation is that huge thatched house in the background, where we all stayed. It was the original farm house on the farm and was so spacious that we could have the pre-wedding dinner there for everyone on Friday night - African style BBQ of 'borewors' (sausage) and burgers.

We have returned home feeling very tired - our plane landed at 5am but we were woken up at 3am for I am slowly trying to catch up with things today.

Thank you for all your lovely comments on the image of my mother from a few days ago. Her health is being maintained by a strict regime of medication and long may that continue. She has come a long way from nearly dying only 11 months ago.

Thank you also for the lovely comments on Bianca the bride - I thought she looked so beautiful but I am obviously biased! The wedding was wonderful and we are so pleased that we made to effort to attend it, it was not even an option to miss it. I am sure the bridal couple are feeling a little flat now that all the excitement is over and family and friends have left to return home. If you wish to see some more wedding photos I have loaded them here.

I will try to catch up with journals in the next day or so....

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