
By MarnieL

April Fools!

We started today in rain, and ended today in rain. The only part of the trip where we were dry was when we were inside the catamaran ferry from Setubal across the Sado River to Troia. This photo was taken (in the rain) while we waited for the ferry to arrive.

We started today's 70K at Troia where the beach went on for miles and miles and fishing boats were netting their catch of the day near the shoreline. We travelled along the West coast of Portugal past sand dunes, orchards and cork forests, through villages and by farms. Although we saw storks, the rest of the birds were hiding from the wind and the rain. We were the only fools out riding today! Normally, this would have been a lovely and relaxing route. However, we rode in heavy to torrential rain directly into very strong winds of 35-40K, gusting to 50K or more. But, we made it and we enjoyed our arrival in Sines.

The staff at the hotel was expecting us and very kindly helped us sop up and mop up. Port and cakes were waiting in the room and after a quick rest, we had a fantastic dinner in the hotel restaurant. Today’s fresh fish were sole and sea bass. Both were very, very tasty.

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