Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Things Learnt Today

That mosaic art takes a bloody long time to do, though our son P did produce one of his "best homework pieces" ever.

We finally got round the Spotify thing (while doing the mosaic) today creating our own play lists on P's i-Pad.

Wife R now knows how to wire up the i-Pad to the Hi-Fi.

The Chester Half Marathon in May is gonna kill me: my brother P completed the Manchester FULL Marathon today. All went well till he hit the wall. But he beat his PB. Very pleased for him. All for a good cause too.

Strange but true....Dax Wave and Groom sticks small headphones into my ears (they kept dropping out while running the other day). As a result I beat my PB today too: did 8.5 miles in 1hr 15min. Maybe it aint gonna kil me.........

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