
By anhedgie20112

OMG surprise birthday party!!

Woke up to a bright, sun shining day. Did eco homework (stupid).

NYYS chamber reading. I like the honegger. It's so cool to play with amazing musicians.

NYYS sectional. It was mostly, go learn the notes in Copland. I keep learning more notes yay! Then rehearsal with Harrison.

On the way home I ran into the pobots! They won chairmans! Go them. We took the train together.

I was in the parking lot of smash burger when mom texted me to come home and eat here. I obediently obeyed. BUT WHAT SURPRISE PARTY!!!! I love Courtney even more. We just hung out, ate pizza and cake. Love my friends even more these days.

Then I did the vase mecum until 3 am but let's just not go there.

Birfday :)

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