80th Birthday Celebration ....

Bert and Annette turned 80! I was pleasantly surprised when I downloaded this picture and I saw Bert and Annette through the window, top right of the picture, I really wanted to show this table, with cupcakes, the golden '80' as well as laminated pages from an album compiled by Ansa, with photos of both of them dating back from now to their early childhood. To show you this lovely couple, dressed in blue, was a real bonus!

Bert's birthday was 13 February and Annete's is tomorrow 7 April, and they are married for 57 years already! Huge congratulations to the both of them! They are such a lovely example to so many! Hardworking people, loves their children and grandchildren unconditionally and always have time and patience to do for others whatever they can! They were also known for their effortless work in the community and for charity! Truly two beloved members of our society!

They are the parents of Ansa, our sweet little Anrie's mom, as well as Magda, their daughter in Nelspruit and, of course, our school principal, Carolina! Praise to them for raising three lovely daughters and seeing all of them through university and enjoying their children's success in life! They were blessed with 7 grandchildren, of which Ronnie's sweet Anrie is the youngest, and she is also the last of the grandchildren to have started university this year, and she will be the only one still studying towards her first degree from next year onward, since the others will all be graduandi by then.

Truly a blessed grand-mom and grand-dad! God bless them and all their children, sons-in-law, grandchildren and their partners! Luvvv them all!

Today also marks the day my late Dad was born, 93 years ago! I am sure all my dear ones in Heaven had a lovely celebration today as well!

'One Year Ago' - Easter Choccies.

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