Minnie woke at 5am....bit of a shock to our sleepy systems. After letting her kick about we gave her a bottle and she went off again till 8am.

We have had a lovely day of nothing planned - it has been so long since we have just gone with the flow rather than having to be somewhere at a set time or trying to plan in seeing people.

We had a lovely dog walk and chatted about how time is flying - before we know it the weekend goes by all too fast and it is nice to have a nothing kind of day. I always tend to voice my Mummy worries on our walks too. I am forever doubting myself and the route I am take with Minnie - do I play enough with her, should I be reading more or less to her, should I be encouraging her to play in a certain way, do I fill our days too much or not enough? Friends and family constantly tell me I am doing a great job, but I still worry that I should be doing...well, I don't know what actually! Minnie is healthy, animated, busy, happy and all those other things she should be, but on those teething days when she is all out of sorts I doubt myself a lot. I am not the most confident person in the world - if I have nothing to worry about, I tend to find some fault in what I am doing to worry about instead!

Had a work email as I am planning to do some keeping in touch days from about 4 weeks time....where is time going? In July I will be going back to work part time - I am planning on just two days a week but at the moment I wonder where I will find the time and inclination to return to work, I already wonder where the days go how will I fit in work too!?!?!

We popped to a few shops while we were out and Minnie was very good. We headed for cake and coffee at Packington Farm and once Minnie woke up she entertained the man on the table next to us with her smiles :)

Home to dinner and I had a load of eBay stuff to pack up - for the first time ever I have lost something that some one has paid for so I have had to refund her and email her grovelling apologies. I must have put it in the charity bag rather than the eBay bag - stupid girl!

We are sat in the snug chilling - before another busy week starts :)

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