
By TynvdB

Morning Mist over the Weser River

This morning after tea and yoghurt, I climbed the nearby forest track uphill. A thick mist in the valley reduced visibility to almost zero. But why care? I may return home without a decent picture. And if it rains in the afternoon, I could even resign to upload. As I had to last sunday. By accident you might call it. And I went on climbing and breathing with a fierce heartbeat. In a rather good condition.

It was a very pleasant long and lazy descent, slow and full of little curves, wobbling stones, fallen branches, wet leaves and of course, our wellknown friend the Little or Friedensthal-Brook. Near to its own source it is joined by another forest brook - if it is not raining mostly dry - from the valley which mounts higher up into the vast Solling Forest. That small valley is called “Ferriesgrund”. I dont know what the meaning of “Ferries” in this region could be. Perhaps a local forester can tell. But as long as I haven’t met him, I prefer to turn that name into “Fairies Ground”

"The Fairies Ground Brook conflues with the Peacevalley Brook and the latter streams down into the Weser River." Why all these uninteresting and arbitrary details? Just a completely insignificant little corner in the most Northern corner of Hessen, just around the border to Niedersacksen (Lower Saxony). Indeed, but that is our Corner of Destination, where we will stay and Be for three quarters of the year.

But most important of all: I happen to have seen where the Fairies Ground Brook meets the Peace Valley Brook. Hello, here is a poietic mind walking the downhill track. Sensitive for new stories to be whispered by those dry giggling brook spirits. About some very precious jewels. I have new pictures of them, though not for today. I was very excited about my latest discoveries, but Willemien and Mischa prefered another, a Riverside photo. More Magic, they say...

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