A wallflower day
Sunday, and I spent all morning working on the accounts for a committee I'm on (this isn't "work" work this is a local charity). By the time I decided I'd had enough, it was lunchtime and the weather had turned even more grey and miserable. So that was half my day gone.
We needed lots of plants to get the garden and troughs and hanging baskets ready, so after lunch off we went to a nursery where we bought loads of little plants to go into the greenhouse until they're a big bigger and sturdier.
Whilst there, I took a few photos of the wallflowers as they were so pretty, which got me thinking - why is it that people who sit alone at parties etc. are called a wallflower? The answer is quite straightforward evidently - it's because they are sitting by the wall, which is where wallflowers prefer to grow.
Back to work tomorrow. To do what? Accounts!!
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