Garden graffiti & car chaos
As well as graffiting the paths, the boys are busy demolishing their toy cars in the garden. They're lifting one side of a massive slice of a massive tree that adorns our garden, placing the little cars underneath and then letting the slice of tree drop on top. After this, what remains of the cars, is taken to the path and bashed liberally with a spade to ensure maximum damage.
Eldest tells me that if you take your broken Hot Wheels cars to the Hot Wheels shop, they'll fix them for you. I hope the boys weren't banking on this before they embarked on their demolition derby.
I spent hours gardening this morning. So much so that my green bin is full and I simply can't fit another tendril of ivy, weed or accidentally removed bulb in it. My trug is also full. Had I never taken up gardening, words like trug would never have entered my vocabulary...trug, trug, trug. Lovely.
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