
By Kiteseeker

Castle Howard Ramble

With the weather forecast for rain later today we decided on a morning walk. Despite having visited the grounds when the children were young, we have never walked around the periphery of the estate. We have fond memories of walks through the woods to the Lakeside adventure playground and cafe. Then when tired hitching a lift on the tractor train back to the car.

After overnight rain boots and gaiters were in order. The undulating terrain taking in the Mausoleum and Temple of the Four Winds crossing between the two artificial lakes via an impressive bridge.

The house and grounds were designed by Vanbrugh in the first part of the 18th century. The estate featured in the TV and cinema adaptations of Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. Although not the brightest of days the daffodils at least added some colour.

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