Promises to Keep

When we told the children we were buying this house they were less than happy. As moving would mean a big garden we said we'd put in a rope swing, a trampoline, build a tree house and get a zip wire. Today finally I put the last bit in, the zipwire. Flipping hard work it was as well, getting tension in a 60m long 8mm steel cable(thanks for the ratchet Rob and a hand Pete). Anyway it is in and it is nearly excellent. It needs a little more adjustment to get the tension right and I need to build a little platform for launching.
Pete, Sally, Katy and Joe came over to help and assist Alfie with initial testing. Sally and Katy just about tying for the longest run.

While we were busy doing this Poppy was having a brilliant time, read about it here.
We listened to the CD, it is fantastic.


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