A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Saturday is Mam day.

Went down early this morning to get her shopping list. She was fast asleep in her up and down chair. I hoovered around her, she didn't wake up. I went to get her shopping and when I got back she was still asleep. I left her shopping and went home!
Spent all afternoon at work which was very productive and then called in again when I went home.

Guess what? Asleep again, but this time I woke her up.

I love her shopping lists. I used to get them on the torn out pages of a redundant passport. This one lists ' a few kind words' I must have said some unkind ones as the next item is a jar of SET honey.
I got RUNNY honey the last time and that is SO wrong!

Rubbish photo - sorry.

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