
By JimBob79

Mush work needed...

For my planned cricket wicket to host it's first International Test match this summer. After a gruelling semi final where not only did we get beaten, just, but my body felt like it was hit by a JCB my chore was to sort the garden out. Lawns are meant to be 'trimmed' every 3 or 4 weeks not culled every 8 months. After all the rain and all the squashed apples from last September (not to mention the odd little present from the cats...) it was a tough job but my real concern is whether my planned match against Brett - my South African colleague - will take place in June. 6 balls each to see if we can hit a tennis ball into my In Laws garden (about 60 yards as the crow flies) - if my wicket doesn't get the care and attention it requires (not to mention accidentally chopping down the apple tree) the great match cannot take place. Worrying times

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