wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Simple math

Today I actually said the words " I wonder what happens if you hit this key"

Really let's think about those words. I wonder how many times they have been said before all hell broke loose.
Well today I ended up with a message that immediately resulted in a 37 page error.
Oh yeah that makes someone really popular.
Some days are awesome. Some days you sit down put on the seat belt and just say OK bring it.
This has been that kind of week.

Today after work I went looking for a blip. Down on the waterfront we watched the sailing school running exercises. It looked like a ballet. They danced around each other tacking around the pole tipping on their sides almost capsizing in the freezing cold waters of Casco Bay.
Kind of reminded me of my week. Amazing how in our lives we dance around people and things sometimes performing a ballet graceful and beautiful and other days you are the clod on the dance floor with two left feet and a tail. have no idea why I put tail in there but, it does sound good I have managed this week to: ( not necessarily in this order)

Piss off a co-worker by telling the truth,

Piss off a friend by digging out hers

Piss off another friend by dropping the few filters I have left and cutting through BS that pissed me off.

Piss off a cat by refusing to wake up at 2am and give her my iPad to play chase the mouse.

Piss off a mouse by flushing him or her oh who the hell knows them down the toilet

Fell asleep with a mouthful of chocolate and waking up after 2 hours. Surprisingly not as attractive as it sounds unless you like the whole open mouthed drooling brown stuff look. I have warned you men before.........I am a real hot date...........No seriously, it melted all over......hmmm

So tonight I sit. Belly full of sushi and planning an early night after Grimm.
I think I have earned it.........

Oh and 9+4 =13 unless someone has messed that up too.

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