
By Chook

Wet, wet, wet.

It's absolutely chucking it down tonight. Has been pretty dark since six, even though the sun sets at half-past eight this time of year. Nearly got blown off the freeway on the way home from work. Just back from driving J to his work Christmas party. Partners not invited this year. Back inside now, watching the rain. The sky is a weird hazy orange-purple-grey, and there is an enormous rainbow arcing across the sky.

If I were tougher, I'd venture out and get a photo. As it is, I'm looking forward to putting warm socks on and lying on the couch under a blanket. Think I might have dessert before dinner too. Now, if only I could get rid of the mosquito that is buzzing around my head...

PS Got a one star from the mystery one-star-rater on Tuesday. I feel special. ;)

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