Muddy Water

Yeah the last day of term, and we have had a lovely day. The class were told what next terms topic will be - Roald Dahl which they were all delighted with, especially as I have been joking with them all week that it would be the Tellytubies. So now starts 2 weeks off!

Here is a picture of a new pond in the woods. Its been constructed by Froglife and Fu's school (he was not involved!). It is next door to another pond but this one is to attract newts. The hole was dug last Friday, and part filled in by vandals over the weekend. So the conservation team repaired the damage and the hole was filled with water today. Wild flowers seeds have been scattered all around and it will be interesting to see it mature. I will keep you blipped!

Have a good weekend blippers, I think its wine o'clock!

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