
By Wendywoo2

Last day!

Today was the last day for the chicks and the last day of term!!! I was very sad to say goodbye to the chicks - and found out that the dark coloured ones are girls not boys and the lighter coloured ones are boys. There was an empty place with the cage was and very quiet too - no chirping to listen too!! So as I missed taking a last shot of the chicks I thought I would share this one instead - a little gift from the schools finance officer - and it laid a creme egg!!!

But not sad to say it was the last day of the term - I am exhausted and today has been a long and tiring day. Lifted some musical instruments and now my back really hurts so am being careful as I don't want it going into spasm and ruining this holiday too!!

But the greatest gift to myself was getting home tonight on the first evening and no one was in - this is my favourite part of the start of a holiday. Coming home, sitting in peace and quiet and enjoying the quiet, then have my cats with me and just looking forward to the holiday stretched out in front me! Bliss

Happy Easter holidays everyone!!!

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