It's that

Time of year... Unlike yesterdays alien water babeblippery
blip this is not alien , it's Frog Spawn.. how do I know.....I just
know... Blimey Im so clever I should be on Mastermind......:-)))
I have a little herb garden outside the back door and tooooday
I cleared it up a bit, a few years ago I planted Red Veined Sorrel
seeds in a pot( all the herbs are in pots) weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel
it spreads like nobodies business all over the place it was it took
me 300hours and 5 minutes to clear warned if you plant it
the triffid doesn't have a look in...Now I have a very very very
very very very sore back, and I am away to lie on the sofa with a
damp cloth over my forehead and a glass of white to cheer me up......
This afternoon we have had torrential rain, but it has cleared now
but a bitty nippy..
Hope your all having a good day :-)x

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